Reflection 11/13

This week, I learned about different genres. Genre is important when you are trying to convey a particular message to an audience. One example that stood out to me as I read Dirk’s essay is the ransom note. Using the wrong genre could lead to the wrong impression and the ransom note would not be as effective. In addition, the letter to the bank that was trying to dispute a wrongful charge was effective by the way it was set up. The person established their credibility and then made it clear that the late fee was charged by mistake. The way the letter was written asserted the power and position as the customer while being respectful to the institution. This essay broadened my view on writing and it showed me that you don’t have to stick to a formula.

On Tuesday, I had a decent amount of time to read and on Friday as well. I thought I would be finished reading by now but I’ve had so much to to it is hard to keep up sometimes. I am determined to finish my book today because it is finally the weekend and I got a lot of my work out of the way during the week so I do not have as much to do.

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